Thursday, April 30, 2009

Nother day in Bonaire

I know I just updated yesterday, but I had a good day today so thought I would do a quick hit for those of you jonesing for another installment….and I expect that, of course, is all of you.

I dove 2 times today and then took the afternoon off for Rincon Day (also the Queens Birthday). All the shops are closed down and everyone goes out to Rincon (one of the towns on the island) for this huge street party with food, drinks, and music. There was even a small parade consisting of a trailer with a band on it followed by dancers dressed in traditional (as in back in the slave days) island garb. Beer was cheap-ish ($1.50 per bottle…an 8.5oz bottle that is) and you could buy beer and wander around town. The food looked interesting, but it was all in Dutch…or the local language so I am not entirely sure what was being offered, but I think it was chicken and ribs and stuff like that based off what I saw. I had lunch before I went (I am stupid cause it smelled GOOD there) so I was just sucking down Amstels (2,50 gilders please...which brings us to a GTJTTOTD: Dutch people and their territories use a comma for a decimel point and the period for a comma so $1,000.00 in the US would instead look like 1.000,00 here. This could be all of Europe for all I know, but for sure its the Dutch…just be aware).

Couple of observations on my traveling so far. First, as a Maker’s Mark ambassador, I am saddened by the lack of Maker’s Mark availability on these islands. Granted there might have been some bars on the Caymans that had it, but I didn’t see it anywhere except for the airport in Jamaica and I was there at 9 in the morning so it was a little early for a Maker’s Mark and coke (actually diet coke, but you get the idea). For some reason both here and in Curacao (pronounced cure-a-sow, btw), its all about Dewars…meh. Second, the cigarette packs here don’t mess around with the warnings. It’s none of that “might cause cancer” or “could cause birth defects” crap. Every pack says: Smoking will kill you. Bam. Oh and I was wrong about the Americanization of Bonaire. There is a Subway here and I saw there is a KFC listed on the Bonaire info website…so there is some Americanization creepage, but still not too bad. I could see living or retiring here. Super relaxed and awesome weather. Of course I am only here for 6 days so maybe I am still in the honeymoon phase….I could also see the Cayman Islands for that matter…if I could afford it, of course.

Anyway, here are some pictures for your enjoyment!

Self picture...getting some nice sun

What is quite possibly the most awesome hairdo ever! look at that! Half-dome and then the remainder is braided! My dad could work that now and I might be able to pull that off soon (if the top keeps drifting away)
Hmmm...I can't I want the Spiribs or the Porchops? They both sound awesome (and all kidding aside, the meat on the grill smelled great!)
The lone "float" in the parade. Had a band on it cranking out local tunes. It was led by a police keep the traffic away I guess (streets were blocked so the police car was actually sort of funny)
Dancers following the band float dressed in traditional garb. Dude in the center knows how to do a parade: he is drinking a beer while being a part of it and is the guy behind him.

And now some dive photos:
They're everywhere! Fish galore....

One more time:

Cowfish (see the "horns" over the eyes...)

Nother spotted eel looking out

I am sort of proud of this photo of the red banded shrimp...looks good, don't it?

A flounder hanging out on a rock...pretty cool looking, no? I think it's a peacock flounder...had to chase the little bugger down to 100 feet before he stopped on the ledge

An underwater self portrait. As you can tell from this and the other picture, I haven't shaved since Punta Cana. The beard is (I think) messing with my mask a little bit. I have some water leakage...or at least more than normal...that I am constantly getting rid of (which isn't hard...breath in through mouth and out through nose and it forces the water out of the mask...its just annoying)

Seahorse!!! I am saddened its not focused as well as it should be (I think the rocks in the background are focused) but I wanted to share with everyone anyway. Again, I wish there was some perspective I could show on this cause the thing was easily 3 feet long...kidding! It was maybe 3 inches long...really cool looking

So there you go. Another fun day and some good diving! I have 3 dives tomorrow and then on Saturday I am going to drive around the island and visit the national park that is suppsed to be interesting in a desert sort of way.

I am having a fun time but why wouldn't I? It's our time, the People's time.



  1. Thanks for the pictures you look like you are doing good not getting too burnt. still sounds like the snorkling is good. that red banded thing was cool. seahorses as well since i spent quite a bit of time on a report for them last year. the food sounded good but almost anything is good with beer and the peoples

  2. barracuda -- seen it. shrimp -- seen it. beard -- HELLO! seahorse -- seen it. How 'bout some scary nightdive pictures next? I wanna see a great white, or at least a nurse shark. come on! entertain me dammit! oh, and have fun, buddy.

  3. Holy cow you look tan!! And yes, I want to see some night dive pictures too!! Your camera has a flash!! Speaking of the queen, did you hear that someone tried to drive a car into the bus carrying her during her bday celebration?! Crazy!
