Sunday, April 12, 2009

And....they're off!

And we’re off!

The first order of bidness is to address some questions and comments that have come my way:

The first being: where the heck are you going? Good question. Kristen and I are going down to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic for a week to stay at an all inclusive place called the Riu Palace Punta Cana. Looking forward to fun, sun, drinking and I plan on getting a little diving in. Then Kristen will be returning to Portland because, sadly, she doesn’t get a sabbatical. I will be heading on to the Cayman Islands for 5 days of diving off Grand Cayman. Then its 5 days in Curacao followed by another 5 (or 6?) in Bonaire for more diving before I too head back to Portland. A veritable dive fest I say!

The second is a response to comments from some of you: no I don’t suck just because I am taking 10 weeks off while continuing to be paid. You might be right about me having some (small) level of suckitude because we are flying first class (at least down to PC and then back home…my inter island travel is coach and might even be Buddy Holly-like...check out DAE which is what I am flying from Curacao to Bonaire…we will see). In a karmic twist, Kristen and I are leaving the DR on the same plane, but she will be up in 1st class while I will be back with the masses in coach. Didn’t plan it that way, its just I have to go through Mymammy to get to the Caymans. When we were flying down to the DR, they announced that you could buy mixed nuts or Lays potato chips or chocolate chip cookies (exact change preferred) all the while we first classers were getting served a choice of salmon and rice or cheese ravioli...and we had a pre-lunch snack of warmed mixed nuts...while having whatever we wanted to drink (the kahlua and coffees were deelicious). So when we leave, I am sure Kristen will be getting Belgian waffles and intravenous champagne while I am being offered trail mix for $6.00.

Dateline: Miami (I was writing this when I had free time while we were traveling)
Getting to and leaving Portland Airport was no big trick (muchas gracias, Tam!). Flew Alaskan Air down to San Fran. Of interest to all of you, I am sure, is we got access to “The Board Room” which is Alaskan’s first class lounge in Portland (as an aside, a quick google shows that Seattle supposedly has a suhweet lounge). Sort of small, but it had munchies to munch upon and complimentary beer and wine. Alaskan Amber anyone? The flight to San Fran was more of the same. The level of service you get in first class is pretty sweet. Of course they have one person taking care of maybe 12-16 people so it's not like they are getting hammered by the unwashed masses in coach. You get real glass too. Thought that was a nice touch.

Kristen and Jim in the Board Room...enjoying complimentary drinks!

Oh yeah, another side note, Kristen sprained her ankle pretty badly about three weeks ago. Has to wear this big plastic looking boot (think storm trooper uniform and you would be close. Always a fun time humming the Imperial March from Star Wars as she hobbles around). Anyway, security both in Portland and San Fran (had to change gates and they don’t connect there) swabbed her boot looking for explosives. It was pretty funny.

Made it to San Fran and had a 3 or 4 hour layover. We bailed from the airport, hopped on BART and hit the nearest In N Out for dinner. That’s right, mom, I had In N Out: #1 with grilled onions. Mmmm good.

The Admirals club (American’s first class lounge) in San Fran was bigger than the Portland deal, but they only serve complimentary coffee, water, tea and have a pay bar…and no the prices are not cheaper than what you would find in the airport bar so it was a little weak in my opinion. Of course, the chairs are comfy and in general, children are not first class passengers so it was quiet, but Alaskan by far beats out American. I am flying Continental home from Bonaire with a stop in Newark (I’m from Joisee, hahahaha) for 7 hours (suggestions on where to go in Newark, anyone?) so I will be able to comment on their lounge too. Supposed to have complimentary beer and wine so I might be a little toasty by the time I get on the plane to Portland…but I digress.

The plane in San Fran had maintenance issues so we were delayed leaving for an hour and a half. Finally left at 1am. Bleh. At least we made it to Miami. The first class seats are wider, they recline more, we had nice pillows and blankets, and it was still uncomfortable to try to sleep. Did get a couple hours, but am really groggy right now. I guess I need to do international first class some time where they have those pods that lay all the way down and basically look like a single bed. Now THAT seems like the way to travel.

Here in Miami (HUGE airport, btw) they have 2 Admirals clubs. We went to the first one near our arrival gate and they gave us some cock and bull story about not being the correct ticket class or something. We walked to the other one and they were nice as all get out and let us in with no questions. Strange. Still only water, tea and coffee as complimentary, but...they have SHOWERS!!! Ahh hell yeah! Got a shower room (they have 6) took a shower and feel much better.

Since Kristen, aka Das Boot, aka hobbly bobbly (™ Tam Bui) has the injury AND the second admirals club was a couple concourses away from where we were leaving, they arranged a cart to take us there. The funny part is we had to get back to near the original Admirals Club (the one that said "no") and what took us 25 minutes or so to walk (or hobble) was a 10 minute ride through the crowds. Got to love it!

We have arrived!!!
Made it to Punta Cana late yesterday. The airport was pretty cool: Open aired with really tall grass roofs and giant fans spinning that easily had blades that were 10-15 feet long. Sun was hot, but the humidity hasn’t been bad yet…and in the shade it is beautiful. Kristen wanted me to mention she approves of the weather. She said she was in Puerta Vallarta (or however that is spelled) a few years ago and it was so hot and humid it sucked. So Punta Cana has the KLG stamp o’ approval. The airport had your typical throng of dudes ready and willing to take your luggage, lead you, help you out…for a price. We just went to where our tour company had a booth and were led the van.

Awesome insane drivers here. Julia, maybe you ought to skip it if you think I drive crazy. We were tailgating pretty much everything on the way while in a 20 person van. The countryside is interesting. Huge nice looking estates right next to corrugated metal shacks. Not as bad as Thailand, but for sure there is poverty here. Passed one car lot on the way to the hotel. It was probably 3 or 4 football fields big, but only had about 30 cars on the lot…spaced apart…so they could all shine on their own, I am sure.

The hotel is pretty nice (Riu Palace Punta Cana) and our room is pretty sweet. No real view ( those cost extra $$$), but the AC works and we have a nice mini bar in the room. Of course one of the liquors is freaking brandy and there is no tequila (wtf?) oh and the beer is Brahma (local DR beer). Not too bad. Dinner last night was buffet and it isn’t too bad. Had a pretty good variety including suckling pig….mmmm…pork! So far today we have been getting settled and making plans for the rest of the week. I am going diving for 3 days and Kristen wants to go horseback riding. They also have 4 wheeling which sounds cool and there is a day long “cultural safari” that will take us to coffee plantations and show us how a “typical” native lives. Uh huh.
Here is the Beach for the Riu:

Since I am already on page 3 I got to end this shizzle! I didn’t mean it to be this long, but I wanted to get everything caught up to date and get this out there. I didn’t plan on as much detail either, but I am rusty and have to work up my mojo.

Hope all is well with everyone. Love to all!


  1. Sounds like you guys had quite a day of travel. Beach looks amazing!! Hope you guys have fun. Don't forget to try the coffee martini!

  2. Hey, it rained here today in Portland. I know how much you miss it. It's okay, don't deny it. I wanna see pictures of giant "20,000 leagues under the sea" squid when you return. Ooo! And any underwater alien cities, like in "The Abyss".

  3. Thanks for the update! I subscribed to your blog, but did not get email notification that you'd updated -- I wonder why?

    Anyway, glad you are there safe and sound, and look forward to your next exciting entry! Stay safe! Love you!!

  4. sounds like fun, much better than the spring break with the kids i have been subject to this last week. hope the ankle is better and the beer is cold.

  5. Hello! I just got home from Bed, Bath, and Beyond, finally using the gift card you gave me eons ago. I want to thank you for the awesome cheese grater, this really cool teensy frying pan to fry an egg for an english muffin or bagel, and a set of three mixing bowls. They are perfect! ;-)

    Love you!!
