Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The diving has begun

Current Status: Meat Coma

First some administrative details. Since we don’t have internet in the rooms, I have been writing the blog snippets on word and then, once we are in the plush lobby, loading them to the blog page. For some reason it doesn’t recognize the double spacing I have at the end of each sentence and instead only has single spacing. I am too lazy to fix it this time (took me a while to get it looking good last time…and I have better things to do) so I know the spacing is incorrect…no need to let me know.

It’s Tuesday and things are going well! I set up some diving for the week and a trip to Catalina Island tomorrow for Kristen and I. Already had a refresher dive in the pool here at the hotel. It was 5 or 6 tasks that you have to do when you get certified: take the regulator out of your mouth, find it and put it back in, fill up mask and clear it, take off mask, put it back on, clear it, and good old fin pivot (you get neutrally buoyant and then as you breath in and out you rise and fall on your fins. Shows you have a handle on your buoyancy. Oh and let me tell you, the pool is NASTY! Never wear a scuba mask in a public pool unless you want to see bits and things that you really don’t care to see.

Did my first dive trip today. It was out in the Atlantic (really about a mile off shore). I thought “I don’t need the Dramamine” and was wrong. I narrowly avoided blowing chunks after the second dive, but it was a really close thing. No more acting the tough guy: Dramamine is your friend.

The dives themselves were okay. Not a whole lot of fish to see. Did see a puffer fish (non-puffed) and a lot of single colorful fish during the dives, but no big schools of fish nor were the areas we were diving very colorful. We did do one dive that was sort of diving along these narrow canyons and through little caverns (or cavernitas). Thought I would be wigged out a bit (fears of getting stuck and all) but it went okay. The dive master was this smaller German woman who fit in openings that were sort of tight for me and I got a few scrapes, but overall it was a fun time.

I didn’t take the camera with me because it was the first dive in a while and the dudes at the shop said that tomorrow’s dives are going to be the ones to see. So hopefully I will have some colorful shots for everyone!

Oh yeah, I forgot about Globe Trottin’ Jim’s Traveling Tip o’ the Day (GTJTTOTD)…or whatever I called it the last time. Here you go: I have seen the master of the all inclusive vacation and she had a Tervis Tumbler (the really larger one) in her hand. We were at one of the MANY bars here and she was directing the bartender in making her drink with words like “more” and “a little more”. I just blurted out “Tervis tumbler!!!” and she said it was perfect for taking onto the beach cause it helped keep it cold and didn’t have the condensation problem. So, next time you go to an all inclusive place and want to drink, bring a Tervis Tumbler.

So far the days have been awesome. A little toasty in the sun, but the shade, paired with the light breezes make it very comfortable. We have been doing breakfast and then I had dives yesterday and today, then lunch and then a stroll to the chairs on the beach for some relaxation and warm water action.

They have a couple of areas roped (buoyed) off where you can swim without the fear of being run over by the many speed boats that are doing parasailing for tourists or dragging them behind on the big yellow floaty things. No fish swimming through your legs or anything, but it does take the edge off the heat. I am a little surprised with the number of topless women here. Unfortunately they are all much older woman with leather skin and that sort of takes the fun out of it.

Hmm…there is not a ton to report otherwise. Relaxing and lying around don’t make for interesting reporting.

Oh yeah, one last bit before we go. There are 5 dinner places here on top of the buffet. So far we have gone to the fusion place, the Italian place and tonight, a Brazilian meat thingy (hence the meat coma). The fusion place was really good. All the food was just insane good. The Italian place…not so much. Apparently the idea of “tomato sauce” is catsup…which I would normally love…but on pasta? The Brazilian place was about like any Brazilian meat place I have been to: there are 1 or 2 really good cuts/pieces of meat the serve and the rest is just okay. The problem is by the time you work through all the cuts and choices, you are usually too full to go back and get seconds on what you thought was good the first time through.

Kristen and I before dinner one night...apparently the person taking the photo doesn't "do" zoom.

So there we are….all caught up. Should have some good stuff from tomorrow (probably updated on Thurs cause it will be a LONG day tomorrow).



  1. Love the blogs!! Have a great dive tomorrow.


  2. Y'all are going to have the best trip! You are so lucky to have this amazing opportunity, and thank you again for sharing it with us!!!

    Dan says hi, and I love you!

  3. What's up with the single-spaced sentences? I couldn't get past the first paragaph with your poor typing skillz. Keep havin a blast, dude! I'm jealous of the sunny pictures. And say hi to Kristen for me.

    Your trip sounds amazing so far! I am excited to see the pics from your dive today in hopes I can share them with my students. Thanks for the updates. I enjoy reading them even if you don't put two spaces after a sentence! I still love you:)

  5. "Loves double spacing" SophiaApril 15, 2009 at 8:34 AM

    They couldn't get the puffer fish to puff for you? I hear if you tickle it, it'll puff. :)

    Can't wait to see the dive pictures!!

    You'd think that with the low carb thing you went through, you'd be tired of all you can eat meat... but I guess you can never have enough meat!
