Monday, November 25, 2013

Welcome to the Bahamas!!

Hey all!

Bahamas!!!  That’s right, while most of you are freezing, I am forced to bear up under 80 degree weather in order to send you these blogs of joy.  This time from Nassau where we will be seeing KU play basketball at the end of the week and, while waiting, will be diving pretty much every morning.

To get here, we flew down to San Francisco, over to Philly and then down to Nassau.  The SF to Philly leg was a red eye and, as usual, I didn’t sleep well.  Sophia, due to all the flying on her sabbatical, is a silver prestige member (or whatever that is called) on Star Alliance and got those seats upgraded from economy to economy plus.  The plus does give you 6 or so inches of extra leg room but no more reclining.  Sophia then got upgraded all the way to first class so Tam and I got to sit with the peons as she lorded over it with a bottomless glass of red wine.

We all made it in yesterday, checked in and then headed out to the fish fry area where there are about 12 restaurants lined up in a row that all served, yes, fried fish of one kind or another.  I had the “lightly” breaded conch and grilled shrimp.  The light breading was actually fairly heavy but they were might good just the same.  Tam and I washed them down with a couple local beers called Sands Beer: the number one truly refreshing Bahamian Beer…at least according to their website. Early night last night since I didn’t get any sleep on the flight in.

This morning Sophia, Sam, Christine and I went diving while Tam wandered the grounds.  We went to Steel Towers (3 wrecks) and the James Bond Wrecks.  The first was pretty cool and we got to see the first couple of reef sharks swimming around along with a bunch of lion fish and even a stingray.  The second dive didn’t have a ton of life…other than a spotted moray eel, a couple of lobster and a barracuda.  Cool thing about that dive was they had the steel tube structure that made the airplane you see at the beginning of Thunderball.  It doesn’t look like a plane, anymore, but it was cool just the same

We are about to head out and wander around, but before I go, here are some pictures!  Click to embiggen.


Lion Fish asking me "whatchu lookin' at?"

Thunderball!  007...this is the plane frame they made for that movie

Hello, dinner.  It wasn't a was a....

Liked the framing of this one.  Good colors

Spotted Moray sticking up out of the sand

You guessed it

Hope all are doing well!  Love to all.

Our time, the peoples time



  1. ooooh, bara-cu-da! You know I'm going to be pulling up Thunderball to put this one in context. Your travel notes are always great. Please to keep writing.

  2. Have fun with the sharks tomorrow! Protect those fingers!!

  3. 19 degrees, sipping a chai tea latte, wishing I was in the Bahamas, too!
