Friday, April 1, 2016

It's sabbatical time again! Sabbatical 2016 Kickoff

Hey traveling junkies!

Sabbati-wha?!?!?  That’s right!  It’s time for me to take advantage of one of the better Intel benefits: 8 weeks paid sabbatical every 7 years!  Yea verily, it was back in 2009 when I took my first sabbatical and it is WAY past time for me to take this one and recharge (just ask my boss….love you, love your show, Armen!)

What am I doing?  Just a little around the world adventure.  NBD.  It was originally going to be what is called a “Circle Pacific” fare, but it turns out that going around the world worked out to be cheaper.  Who knew?

Today is day one and I am currently on my way to Dallas for a connection to Sydney Australia.  The itinerary is: Portland -> Sydney -> Auckland, New Zealand-> Cairns (northern Australia so I can dive the great barrier reef) -> Sipidan (island off Malaysia that has killer diving…and really it isn’t Sipidan that I am staying on but an island close by) -> Thailand (meeting up with Stacy to do an 8 day liveaboard diving the islands off the Thailand and Burma coastline) -> Dublin, Ireland -> Kansas City (I figured I would be in deep doo doo if I went around the world and didn’t stop off to see the parental units) -> Portland.
Bouy IPA and Henry's Tavern in PDX...indication that sabbatical is ON...or the day ends in Y.  One of those.
I had originally planned to come back to Portland after Thailand, but like I said, it was cheaper to keep going!  I know!  Of course, the helpful lady may have misquoted the Circle Pacific base fare, but when I priced around the world, it was cheaper and I already paid and am on a plane so whatareyougonnado?

This blog entry is just to share a few initial details as well as to share my overall plan for the trip.

First, if you don’t know, there are a couple major airline partnerships out there and if you look into them, they do these special “discount” fares that are cheaper than if you were to book each leg individually.  There is the Star Alliance made up of United and maybe Delta along with a bunch of foreign airlines (Thai Airlines, New Zealand...others) and there is One World made up of American along with a bunch of foreign airlines (Qantas, LAN, British Airways, Malaysia Airlines).  I think there is a third group, but screw ‘em.

Turns out, Star Alliance is more expensive than One World based off the pricing I did.  Long time blog friend Sophia did Star Alliance on her sabbatical and really enjoyed her travels….so shout out to them.  According to the internets, it seems like service/satisfaction between the two is about on par with each other so the recommendation was to go with who gave the best itineraries for what you wanted to do.

What do you know, One World met my needs better than Star Alliance.  Sorry SA.

Another item to mention that I will be discussing a bit is: since I am flying a TON, I elected to do business class for the whole trip.  Yes that brought the price of the trip up into the realm where I could have bought a car, but if I am going to fly this much (and I am), I want to do it in comfort! 

Why not first class?  Well, it's actually about as more expensive compared to business class as business class is to coach, and if a leg you are flying doesn’t have first, then you are put into business and not given a reduction in price.  Turns out for domestic flights, “business class” = first class (hence me sitting in 4B on this flight to Dallas and enjoying a few “free” bourbons and diet cokes) and for the international legs, only 2 or 3 of the flights I will do had first instead of business.

I am doing a: One World, Around the World (RTW) business class fare.  Although I never found it on their site, American has a dedicated around the world 800# which also handles their other fares (circle pacific and others). 800-247-3247 It’s awesome!  Helpful, knowledgeable people…if you are going to do it, call them.  Also, if you are going to do a full blown around the world, One World has an online tool that lets you select flights and everything.  Totally recommend that too.

I am also a Makers Mark ambassador (and really, MM, you guys need to infiltrate airlines with your minis!  Come on!).  One thing I have found through my various travels: Makers Mark isn’t found overseas much.  I hope to be found wrong, but in case I am not, I have 7 minis that I plan on enjoying, one per stop, and sharing in the blog.  I figure some nice photos of the Sydney harbor bridge with a MM mini or maybe Hobbit town with a MM mini will make some good photos.

So there you go: I am traveling around the world and I am going to share with you my warped view of a few places you might not have seen yet.  I am doing it on One World airline partnership so I plan on sharing the good/bad of business class (better be a lot of good nomesayin?).  And I have a bag of MM minis making the trip with me (well…one making most of the trip with me…the others will be making parts of the trip).

Let’s have fun!

Should probably stop here, but screw it, I am posting this when I get to Dallas so I already have a tidbit to share.

Flight down to Dallas is pretty good.  Domestic first class >> (that means MUCH better) domestic coach.  Leg room, width, free drinks, “real” food, nicer service…and probably should amend that for my flight attendant peeps out there…how about more dedicated service?  There is one (and a half) person helping 16 of us instead of 1 person helping out 30 or 40 people.  Is it worth the extra money compared to a coach fare?  Not when its 4-5 times that amount, but if it was just a hair closer…like maybe 2 or 3X more?  I could see it on longer flights…maybe.

The meal was either cold chicken salad or vegetarian lasagna.  I went with the “healthier” chicken option.  It was an Asian dressing with the salad and the breast was on the side.  A bit dry to be honest but it wasn’t bad.  Salad was good.  If they were trying for restaurant quality I would be eviscerating them, but I don’t think domestic food ever tries to claim that.

Made it to Dallas and over to the D gate area.  DFW is pretty sweet as seen from the tram that circles the gate areas.  The One World club was nice (and large) but they limit the complimentary premium beverage to 1.  This includes beer which, IMHO, isn't really a "premium" beverage BWYGD? (but what you gonna do?)  Headed on over to the Qantas lounge and when I checked in I found I needed a Visa to enter Australia.  $50 payable BEFORE I leave. Whoops!  Who knew?  I guess that's a GTJTTOTD (Globe Trottin' Jim's Travelin' Tip o' The Day)...if you are headed down under, you need a $50 Visa good for a year.  They did it for me at the checkin desk so it's all good AND they have a nicer food spread and free drinks so  I am camped here until it's time to board.  The One World lounge did have showers & more room but let's hear it for free drinks!

Next up is a ride on an Airbus 380.  Big deal, you say…but I have seen the seating chart!  It’s a double decker plane!  Not like a 747…but the whole length!  First class (little minicabins) are on the lower level in front of economy.  Business class is on the upper level…in front of a small section of premium economy.  There are stairs!  Even more important: there is a lounge area on the top section in front!  I have no idea what to expect but it better be a bar with access only to business and first class.  We will find out together!

Until then:

It’s our time, the people’s time

Love to all!


  1. So excited for you! I can't wait to hear about your adventures!

  2. Great first entry, brother! I'm looking forward to hearing about your fantastic journey! Love you!

  3. That "unknown" above is me. :)

  4. It was either you or Hulk Hogan reads my blog

  5. You don't sound drunk yet. I'm kidding, you already do!

  6. Just wanted you to know that I read the whole thing, Jim.
