Sunday, June 23, 2013

My hotel room in Haifa

Hey all,

Not a ton to update about.  Day 1 of meetings is over with and up until about 3 in the afternoon, things were pretty non contentious.  That changed and the remaining 2 hours were fairly exciting.  So the agenda for the remaining days has been moved around and rather than presenting this afternoon, I "get" to present first thing this morning so we can all be baselined on where we are in order to make decisions on how to move forward.  How is that for business speak?  At least I didn't use synergy or inflection point (2 of my least liked phrases).

Anyway, I was originally put into a room at the hotel with 2 singles snuggled up to each other.  Sure it looked like a king sized bed, but you could only get into half of it at a time. Not quite the same thing.  While I was at work, they moved me to a new room that has a king sized bed and I walk into this:
Yes the wall is a window.

The view out my wall o' window
Night time is the right time.  Same view later that night
The room sort of faces northeast so I am now sitting in the room with the rising sun streaming in.  Not a bad time.  Nice and relaxing before going in to face the wolves :)

Oh!  I forgot an exciting (to me) tidbit.  After the last blog while I was waiting in the airport for John to show up, I realized I had left my passport in Eilat 4 hours away.  Yeah.  Not a good idea or feeling for that matter. I wasn't totally sure, but it wasn't in my back pack and I didn't remember specifically packing it.  John finally got in (Air France lost his luggage too, btw) and we made it up to the hotel to check in.  When I did, they called the hotel in Eilat and yes I did leave my passport which is now being couriered up here for the nice sum of 80 shekels, about $25 which isn't bad as far as I am concerned.  Thank goodness I didn't have to drive back down there to get it.  That would have sucked.

Well I need to get showered and head to breakfast (buffet style!) and then head out to work.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Our time, the people's time!



  1. Beautiful view from your room! So glad the deal with your passport worked out well - that could've been ugly, fo' sho'! $25 v. a 4-hour car ride is well worth it. :) How much longer are you there? We are heading home from Tahoe today - it's raining, we were planning on leaving tomorrow anyway, so we're just cutting it a day short.
    Take care over there!
    I love you!

  2. Wow,
    Customer service like that seems rare these days.

    So does this mean I get a pass for leaving my Intel badge at your house?

    At least you didnt figure it out when you were going to the airport.

    (Identity withheld to protect from bashing Nathan about forgetting his badge)
