Thursday, February 14, 2013

Final in Rio and heading to KC

Hey All!

I am hanging in the Rio apartment on Wednesday evening just waiting to go to bed.  I fly out tomorrow fairly early (real world time) and then fly pretty much all day from here to Orlando to Charleston to Kansas City for a few days.  Should I blog about KC?  Maybe…we will see.

Yesterday was pretty awesome.  We walked around the nearby barrios during the day and came across a parade in a park with a fairly cool marching band playing.  It was a little too spring break, but still pretty decent time.  

Christ the Redeemer in the background with the park and the parade below....
We had also been passing this cone-like structure the past couple of days before realizing it was a cathedral. While it was a total scorcher of a day, we still went inside because it seemed like it might be totally hollow (it was) and there were giant stained glass windows on the 4 cardinal directions.  Beautiful

One of the giant stained glass windows in the cone/pyramid cathedral
Last night we headed to Lapa (a nearby barrio) for some more outdoor music where we met up with an English woman we had met at the sambadrome the evening before and the girls started in with the Caipirinhas.  I was incorrect on my earlier description of the ingredients.  Rather than a 20 count of vodka, it’s a 20 count of rum.  The ones with vodka in them are, of course, called Caipivodkas.  Allison, the Brit, was drinking those while Marci stuck with the ‘rinhas.

While we were waiting for Allie, two guys came up to us and one started talking to me and did the whole wingman routine that happened the last time we were at the same venue.  I told him I knew the routine and laughed about it a bit.  Really cool couple of guys from Sao Paulo and one of them really wants to (and plans to) head to San Diego to visit.  No worries, Bassetts, I didn’t hand out any contact info.  Throughout the evening both women were being told “Hi, beautiful” by the outgoing gentlemen in the crowd.  I am not sure who won the unofficial contest, but last I knew it was 4-3.  I will leave it to your imagination as to who might have been ahead…or behind. 

The band I wanted to see was called Sargento Pimenta (Sergeant Pepper) and they do Beatles songs with a little samba flair.  They were AWESOME!!!  Tam, you would have been totally digging it!  I recorded them doing I want you (She’s so heavy) with my camera, but the file is too big (I guess) and blogspot is gagging.  Sorry, folks.  Maybe I will open a youtube account and post it there.  It was pretty sweet.  I actually got to the point where being covered in a sheen of sweat wasn’t that bad…I was dancing with the music and jumping with the crowd and had a great freaking time!

The band, Sergeant Pepper on stage.  Couldn't load my video, but here is one from Carnival a couple of years ago.
We were out until maybe 3 or 4 last night.  After the music, we started looking for some more food.  We had all only had a little bit of street meat for “dinner” and were a little hungry.  Btw, Marci ate a hot dog.  There.  I said it.  Suck it Marci…it’s out there for posterity!  We ended up at a pizza place where they told us, after we ordered, we couldn’t get anything.  The girls went inside to the bathroom and met up with some locals who talked to the waitress and got our order in after all.  It was a super nice group out for the evening and they even gave us a couple of recommendations for dinner tonight that I will have to hit next time I am in Rio cause they were closed when we went by.  One I know had been open during Carnival and I guess, since it’s over, they took the night off.

Speaking of, it’s like night and day between yesterday and today.  Yesterday there were a TON of people out and about dressed in costumes and what not and today it almost feels deserted.  Plus all these businesses that had been boarded up during Carnival started opening today.  We went to Copacabana to relax on the beach and there were maybe 1/10th the people there as compared to a couple of days ago.  That was all good because after last night, we needed a relaxing day.

Example of how few people were on the beach.

Just made it to the airport and through security.  It wasn’t too bad except the cab dropped me off at the wrong terminal (always difficult getting your point across when you don’t speak the language).  The cool thing is my bag is checked through to KC.  I was a little worried I would need to find a US Airways (worst airline ever) counter in Orlando, but the kind lady at TAM (the national airline of Brazil) was able to get my bags checked AND get my boarding passes hooked up.  I only have an hour and 40 minutes in Orlando so hopefully I can get through customs, do the bag thing and then get through security to catch my plane in that time.  If it’s like BA, I am hosed.  Stay tuned (which really means, read on since I don’t think this is going out until after I get to KC…..)

Made it through customs in no time and then had to lug my luggage to the US Airways counter halfway across Orlando.  But the dude there at the counter was super nice and got me hooked up quickly, threatening “worst airline ever” status for US Airways…crap…they have hosed me so many times but this guy was good….

Now I am sitting at my gate waiting for boarding and sipping a Diet Coke…mmm  They don’t have Diet Coke in Rio.  They do have Coke Zero, but no Diet Coke and its just not the same.  They also don’t have (or at least I never saw) McDonalds or Burger King.  They were all over the place in BA (along with world famous Kentucky Pizza) but nowhere to be found in Rio.  They do have Bob’s burgers for your burger needs (never went).

IPA I had at the airport in Charlotte during that brief layover.  Mmmm....good beer.

And finally in this disjointed post, I am at the parental units house in KC.  Made it after a Loooooong day of travel.  While I think I might write a bit about the KU game we are going to see on Saturday, I wanted to get this out there to wrap up the South America portion of the trip.  Definitely had a BLAST.  So much fun in Rio and BA was pretty cool too.  The people were friendly and Marci and I had a great time.  Which makes sense…because….

It’s our time, the peoples time!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Enter the Sambadrome!

Hey all,

We went to Copacabana Beach yesterday for some relaxing times before hitting the Sambadrome.  The place was PACKED compared to Impenema, but it also seemed like there were more locals there having a good time.  It was a pretty nice day (still humid as all get out…sweat balls for everyone!).  The water is a tad chilly, but feels good on a hot, humid day.  Once I got above the “Mendoza line” while wading in, getting the rest of me wet was no big deal.  I played in the surf for a while and had a good time.

A sea of umbrellas at the Copa
We left for the Sambadrome at 7.  It starts at 9, but the seats are GA…they were also on the other side of the Sambadrome so it took a good 30-45 minute walk to get over there.  The stands were already pretty packed, but we found some seats and settled in.  The stands are basically giant cement steps so you sit on the edge of one, your feet on another with people sitting in front of your feet and so on.  The sitting is more for resting in between samba schools because when they are coming down, everyone stands and dances.

We were far enough down the route that it took about 30 minutes (they actually have a timer going…we guessed each school has a time limit…they get judged and places are awarded each year) before we got to see the front of the parade. 

The parade starts way down that way and comes towards us....yeah, there are a lot of people...I think it holds 200000
I am not even sure how to convey what we experienced.  It was mind blowing.  Each school had their own song that I think they wrote for the occasion.  When we entered the ‘drome (sorry, couldn’t resist) we were given a booklet with the lyrics to the songs and people were actively singing along in the stands.  The schools had drum sections and live singers coming over the PA.  The floats they built were huge and amazing with dancers at various levels sambaing to the music.  Macy’s ain’t got nothing on these guys.  Each school had literally thousands of dancers in various costumes.  Each school chose a theme and all the floats and costumes went with the theme.  They had a time limit of an hour and a half to get completely through and most of the schools took around 1:20.  We watched 4 out of 6 schools do their parades and were still there until a little after 3 in the morning.  These things last until around 6:30 in the morning, but we were pretty wiped out.  We got to see the school ranked (yes, they actually rank the schools…it’s that big a deal here) #1 and they blew away the other 3…but the other 3 were still incredible.

Screw it.  No more writing (other than captions)…here is a boatload of pictures.

The first school had a TV theme...and yes, that is a giant video box leading the way

Shake those tail feathers, baby!

Crazy floats

Arms and mouth moved...

I have no idea what TV show this is, but if its got naked chicks and women riding flying goats, I am in!  Those are real women riding the goats and one of them was VERY into riding hers....if you know what I mean.

Dude on top was at our level.  These are some tall floats

Alice in wonderland (I guess you could see that for yourself)

Arabian nights action

Riding vacuum cleaners in between schools

Represent the school!

Neon lights of the barrio

This is one school...extending the entire distance with more still to enter!!



This one actually had a working waterfall in the front!

Ending float for this school with the flying bug that is neato, except.....

There is a camera ledge over the middle of the parade route and they didn't get it down before running into it...oops

What's that hiding in there?

Dragon!  Hell yeah

The dudes on the front were animatronic.  

Details...and dancing babes

Waterfalls are for sissies....we have a working fountain!

A horse is a horse of course of course

A little undersea exploring action

The theme was about drilling offshore here.  Pretty elaborate float.  There are people suspended under the front part.

Oil helps 

Jobs can be added! (and the side circles rotated...who dreams up this stuff?)

It gives money for education.  Oil rules.  Let's drill!

Even the sea creatures are down with it...

Pretty suspended sea creatures...

Oh...maybe oil isn't that great after all.  To be fair, this was probably the most consistent thematically,  but they came after the dragon AND a working fountain so its hard to beat that.
There you go...6 hours distilled down to however many pictures I just made you suffer through.  Up until last night, we were basically in a large city with a bunch of people partying and dressing up in crazy costumes.  Last night was really a "holy crap" moment that helped me understand why people should come to Carnival.  I can't imagine anywhere else in the world having something like this.

The next World Cup and Summer Olympics are going to be in Brazil.  Marci said (and I agree), the opening ceremonies are going to be crazy!

We have a couple more days here.  The plan is to go catch some neighborhood parades today and a little night life and then see what happens tomorrow.  There will be at least one more blog coming but I don't know if we can top this one on this trip.

Our time, people's time!

Monday, February 11, 2013


Hey all,

Well this part of the blog is the day after the food poisoning recovery day.  Other than the blog, I did a whole lot of nothing but lying around and darting to the bathroom as needed. 

I had pretty bad stomach cramps early yesterday morning.  Thought they were just acid action and took a zantac.  That did not help.  After the Farmicia opened up, I went in and straight back to the counter…rubbed my belly and the guy gave a little chuckle and grabbed a box that was only 10 pesos (about $2) for 10 tablets of awesomeness.  It did nothing for the big D, but took the cramps and made them its bitch.  You know if the box says “antispasmodico” you are getting some good stuff!  How can you be against antispasmodico?
Mmmm Antispasmadico
I ate very little yesterday (some cheese and crackers…and some oj (naranja for those of you wanting to pick up Spanish a word at a time).  That was about it beyond water.  I really wanted to go out and get McDonalds last night cause it’s a known entity, you know?  I know what a quarter pounder w/cheese is going to be and that sounded like it might be a good thing.  But the nearest one was about 10 blocks away and I didn’t feel up to walking.  Yes, I know…McD’s?  But the comforts of home do provide comfort when you feel like crap.

Got a taxi ride to the airport (aeropuerto) with a master of the horn.  One beep for “hey buddy, you are sort of in my lane and I am coming through”.  Two beeps for “I am about to change into your lane…make room”.  Three beeps for “what the hell are you doing?!?!”  He applied these liberally throughout the drive.  It was awesome.  I will say he lost a few points because I was super impressed that he didn’t just lay on his horn at all.  Just quick taps as needed for the given situation.  Once we hit the airport dropoff area, however, there was a logjam and he leaned against the horn for a while.  He was doing so well!

We are at the airport a little early because Marci’s flight was going to leave at 12:45 with a stopover in Sao Paulo.  Mine is a direct flight to Rio leaving at 3.  She was able to switch so we are on the same flight...the direct one, of course.  This did give me time to get a hamburguesa (you should be able to figure that one out).  It was freaking $20 with the water since we are behind the security control…but it hit the spot.  I am feeling much better.  Now if ye’ old D will stop, all will be well! 

I think I will wait to send this out until tomorrow or the next day, but wanted to capture the details of the horn master.  Super nice guy…talked in rapid fire Spanish the whole way to the airport with gestures to sort of help us understand.  That is one funny thing here, if you tell them you don’t speak Spanish, they continue on speaking even faster!  It’s like, I didn’t understand what you were saying before and doing it at the speed of light isn’t helping!  Now, of course, we are flying into a country that speaks Portuguese so we are really screwed.

Okay…been in Rio for a couple of days now and am trying to catch this thing up so I can send it out and entertain you…are you entertained?!?!

The flight to Rio was not bad.  3 hours.  Watched Here Comes the Boom (yeah, I know… but it was actually pretty funny…give it a shot for mindless entertainment).

Booked a taxi at an overpriced stand at the airport and the driver was immediately flummoxed cause we are staying down in Centro near the Sambadome and many of the streets are blocked off for traffic.  He made a big deal about it, but he didn’t speak English and we don’t speak Portuguese so it was a long moment of staring at each other before he started to drive.  Turns out you CAN get into the blocked off areas if you are a taxi but he didn’t know where the street was.  We drove all over the place (and I am pretty sure in circles) before I gave him our contacts phone number so he could call and ask directions to the place.  We backed up down a one way street (we were facing the correct direction, at least) and then he pulled into a side street and voila!  There the building was. 

Street near the apartment.  You may now all call me "el jefe" or "General"
The apartment is small.  Like 2 rooms and a bathroom small and a little dingy, but I thought it was okay.  Marci not so much.  The “sofa bed” is really a 2 inch foam mat on a board so isn’t all that comfy for sleeping.  We are also a hop (no need to skip OR jump) from the sambadome and things get started there around 9PM and last until 6-ish in the AM.  Earplugs anyone?  The place does have a kitchenette and air conditioning so it has some redeeming qualities.

BTW, Rio = sauna.  Humid…hot…wow.  I am a walking sweat ball pretty much all day.  I realized why the Brazilians move so slowly – they sweat less…saunter along and try to keep in the shade.

Yesterday we took the metro (subway) to go get out Sambadome tickets (Monday evening for that one) and then on down to Impanima to see if we could see a girl from there (song reference for the terminally unhip).  The metro costs about $1.50 each way, but we got a pre-paid card that had some undefined (turns out to be 5) number of trips on it.  That would be 5 people trips one way.  The line was long, but people are friendly and the metro cars themselves are air conditioned (yay!)

Now would be a good time to side detour and talk about all the costumes that are out here.  People are dressed up in all kinds of crazy stuff.  Most women go for bride or my favorite of wig with bikini top and the always popular Minny Mouse outfit…and usually their boyfriends do too.  Dudes, in general, dress in women’s clothing be it a dress or pink what nots or even a French maid’s outfit.  It is insane to see all the different people dressed up.  Plus there are groups of people who all dress thematically.  Super cool people watching (and there are literally millions of people here for Carnival so there is plenty to watch).

Some Alice in wonderland people mixing it up with some geriatric people...rumble!

Blackface isn't frowned on least during Carnival

Froggy went a-courtin'

Metro….we get on and head to the hotel where we are to pick up our tickets.  Neither of us has eaten yet and Marci didn’t get much or any sleep.  She crashed hard about the time we were at the hotel.  I got her some mango juice and we found a nearby restaurant to get something to eat, but it was a near thing.  We then hopped back on the metro to go to Ipanema.

Ipanema was pretty cool.  Super crowded, but tons of umbrellas and chairs (we sat on the beach for a couple of hours).  People walking up and down the beach selling beer, water, etc.  Just a nice time.  About the time we were leaving, a ton of people were coming into the beach.  We had to fight to get back down to the metro and I swiped the card to let Marci go first and, if you have been counting along with me, that was “trip” number 5.  When I swiped it to let me through…big red X.  If You See Kay!!!!!

I turned around knowing it was going to suck to get a ticket for me and missed the nice lady that told Marci she would let me through.  Instead, I stood in a line for about an hour to get a ticket while Marci hung out in the metro (getting “compliments” from the guys passing by…apparently trying to stick your tongue down a strangers throat is the way they say “hi, beautiful” here…and most dudes are shirtless, ladies….yeah…sweaty shirtless Brazilians!  Try not to swoon.  On the flip side, the hubba.  Eye candy for everyone!).  Anyway, I finally get the ticket and go down and meet up with Marci and was told that I need to listen to her better…which perhaps I should…but I think she whispers a lot or at least that is my story.

Made it back to near where our apartment is to find a city block just covered in trash with a crew cleaning up.  Apparently while we were relaxing on Ipanema, there were around 4 million (a cab driver said 4 thousand million, but 4 billion is too much, I think…so we will stick with 4 million which seems maybe true cause it was a lot of carnage) people partying down the street from our place.

Speaking of trash, it’s almost like Anchorman here.  If you haven’t seen it, it’s set in the 70’s and they just throw stuff on the ground as they are done with it.  Totally happens here.  One of our cabbies was eating an ice cream on a stick and when he was done, tossed if out the window.  It’s like that everywhere and it’s glorious!!!  I say that not having to live here and mostly following suit when we are where the party is (knowing there will be a clean-up crew along after the party is done…I am just giving their life meaning…don’t judge).  Oh and with the dropping of trash everywhere…wear shoes you don’t mind getting splashed with unknown stuff cause it’s going to happen at Carnival.  There are small pools of I don’t want to know on the streets so keep an eye out where you step.  People are wearing flip flops around and I sort of shudder when I see them.

Last night we were going to go see a jazz show, but they required ID and we didn’t have ours on us.  We headed back to the apartment to get them but by the time we got back the line was so long we said screw it and went across the street to see a live Samba band.  Really cool and energetic.  If you don’t know how to Samba, basically run in place to the beat and you have it nailed.  There are more advanced steps, but that will get you started.  Marci danced with a native of Rio who told her “hi, beautiful”.  She also was introduced to the local drink: Caipirinha.  Take some lime, more scoops of sugar than you think should maybe go into a drink and then add vodka for maybe a 20 count?  Shake and serve. Yes, they make them STRONG here.  They are pretty good too. 

Today I decided however many days of diarrhea in a row is plenty so I jumped on the Cipro bandwagon to try to finally kill whatever has been bothering me.  Luckily, even though it’s a Sunday, a pharmacy was open.  Wellness is right around the corner!

We decided to go see Christ the Redeemer today.  That’s the giant statue of Christ with his arms wide open that you always see in an establishing shot in a movie set in Rio.  You see that and you know where you are.  To get there, all you need to do is head to Lapa (a barrio), catch the 497 bus and it’s like maybe a 15 minute ride.  We didn’t do that. 

Instead we took the word of a bus driver and got on a bus that seemed to say it was heading that way.  After a while we passed some land marks that indicated we were not going that way.  We ended up way the hell out in the middle of “oh crap…this neighborhood does not look safe”.  Luckily, there was a taxi stand nearby so we grabbed one.  The taxi decided going through Ipanema would be a great idea…which it is not since its crowded and some of the roads are blocked off.  The taxi ride was a good 45 minutes to an hour.  That plus the bus ride has us at around 2 to 2.5 hours rather than the quick 15 minutes bus 497 would have done.  While it was scenic, I do recommend the 497 route. 

We finally were dropped off where the train will take you up to the Christ, but it was so booked we would have had to wait 3 hours for an available train.  But there are other taxis that will take you up there (that’s all they do) for a small fee.  It was actually only 5 Real ($2.50US) more than the train so it wasn't a total gouge.  They brought us up to where you then catch a shuttle bus run by the park to the actual Christ itself.  I am telling you, we only missed getting a ride on a boat from making the trip a doozy.

You have to climb a few stairs to get to the Christ, but they lead you up from the back.  As we were climbing up, we looked up and Marci (parish council member & president of her home owners association not that that makes a difference when parish council member is brought into play) says “wow, the first thing you see is his ass”.

I will say it is one impressive thing.  We were up there with a ton of people, many of whom were laying on their backs trying to get photos of their friends with the whole statue in frame (30 meters tall).  You know how people will sort of wait for others to take pictures and not get in their frame?  Yeah, that doesn’t really happen here so much.  Of course, there were so many people up there, you really couldn’t afford to wait like that anyway.  Still, the statue is pretty awesome and the view from up there of Rio is equally awesome.

Everyone else was doing the arms out thing.  I , of course, had to be different. 

Biker Jesus taking a left (credit to Marci on that one)

They asked for a group photo.....
View of Impenema from up at CtR
We made it back down through the shuttle and then the taxi and then we got on the correct bus and made it back to our neck of the woods in time to run into a couple of awesome street parades.  Tons of people dancing down the street to samba music being blared by trucks.  Oh and since I am on Cipro, I got a street dog in Brazil.  That’s right…chicken lips and pig butts or whatever they are made out of.  I also drank some water with ice cubes in it!  Take THAT bacteria!

Tonight we hit an outdoor concert venue for a free show of this brass band that reminded me of a Brazilian Tower of Power although without the singing.  Really awesome energetic songs that make you move a bit.  While standing in the crowd, a couple of guys passed us and one of them eyeballed Marci like he had never seen a girl before.  One of them spoke English and asked if we were boyfriend/girlfriend cause his friend liked her looks.  I told him no, we were just friends at which point the other tried to say “hi, beautiful” as only a Brazilian can.  In the meantime, the other dude played the perfect wingman and chatted with me about Brazilian women and their signals (which sort of made him MY wingman in a weird way…he was multitalented).  A really nice couple of dudes just having a good time during Carnival.  Oh and we both had Caipirinhas tonight and they were even stronger than last nights….and while last nights were something crazy like $9US since we were in a club, tonight’s were $2.50US bought off the street.  Good times.

Pimp my Caipirinha!!

Shot of the show tonight.  For the last song, 10 more people came out on the stage to add to the horn section.  Awesome!

After the show, we wandered around a bit, had a bite to eat, found another parade with an Indian motif with feathered headdresses and all that, and came back to the apartment.

I like their Indian motif.  How, baby!
Whew....I am caught up.  Tomorrow is the sambadome all night action and maybe a trip to Copacabana to relax on the beach.

I hope everyone is doing well!

Our time, the people's time!